Good Sh*t Hunt, Part Une

I'm back from a very long trip... Im dealing with motion sickness now, I hate it! Anyway, it's a surprise when I go back at SL, theres a hunt on-going called 'Good Sh*t Hunt' that starts last Saturday June 26 and will end in July 10. The hunt is easy and will not make you stuck on a store, plus the prizes are GREAT! Here's the first part :)

Dress: Nami Dasshu - Aubergine Fashionista, 0L$
Leggings: Actchio - Oriental Fishnets in Mint, 0L$
Skin: Glam Affair - Sofia Dark, 0L$
Shoes: Friday - Journey Boots in Tan
Hair: Kookie - Chiggy in Blonde

Skin No.1: Sofia Dark by Glam Affair
Skin No.2: Umeko Underwater by Imabee
Skin No.3: Sara by Bodyline
Skin No.4: Apple Sunblush by Atomic Bambi
Eyes: Summer Wheat by Poetic Colors

These skins are also hunt prizes from Good Sh*t Hunt, beautiful skins right?

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